Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Unpath

My remarkable colleague Hyperion-- who inspired me to launch this blog--calls his teachings and his podcast The Unnamed Path. What we have here at hummingwitch is more like The Unpath.

I'm going to assume that your life is fairly similar to what mine has become and that, despite the best intentions, you are multi-tasking to the max and your Madge-ick has to fit into that somehow. Your meditations would not be recognized as such by gurus, and your channeling is more like an open-ended, ongoing and highly informal conversation. Despite the customary instructions to reserve and use magickal tools only for magick, you use Madge-ickal tools--that is, whatever comes to hand--for, well, whatever.

I just want you to know that that's all okay. I understand. And it's really more than okay. It's quantum hoodoo. Carry on!

Yesterday, I spent a few hours in the presence of other people who love dance and the wilderness, experiencing a novel combination of the two. We visited a beautiful, wild area in the midst of the city, on the border of Brooklyn and Queens, and picked our way through the forest to a little clearing where we sat on the dusty-dry, leaf-strewn earth and watched three women dancers engage with their environment, as intimate with it as forest animals. I thought then, as I'm thinking now, that Unpath is what it's all about. How can we become so finely sensitive to and steeped in Spirit that we really don't have to do anything out of the ordinary?

Be Madge-ickal today. Be ordinary.

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