A special tip: Do check out Raven Mardirosian's new audio series, Swan-Diving into the Universe. Raven was co-host (with Georgianna "George" Boehnke) of Blog Talk Radio's entertaining Tarot Talk program, which has now concluded its weekly run. If you followed that show, you know Raven excels at bringing metaphysical and esoteric concepts right down to earth so you can readily grasp them and use them to your benefit. It's her mission.
Raven happily swan-dives into topics such as love and marriage, money and relocation issues, discussing how releasing constricting thoughts and developing a closer collaboration with Spirit can help us take right action and open to goodness, pleasure and abundance.
She's a wonderful, accessible teacher!
To listen to some samples and to order one or more of these mp3 downloads, click here. And tell Raven I sent you!
And here's my June 14, 2009 interview with Raven and George on Tarot Talk! I'll miss this show, and I wish both of these ladies all the best as they move forward in their lives and work! Many blessings!
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