Tuesday, June 21, 2022


 7 of Clubs

Thank you, Denae Hannah, for sending this request for a look at the 7 of Clubs from a standard playing card deck.

Loosely connected to Tarot's Seven of Wands, the 7 of Clubs can represent a high level of energy--active, dynamic force--and having to be grounded and well prepared to meet all of the energy, good or not so good, coming your way. Otherwise, it can be a source of stress.

Seven of Wands

Left: Rider-Waite Tarot, art by Pamela Colman Smith

Right: Neo Tarot, art by Daiana Ruiz

On the other hand, old divination traditions associate the 7 of Clubs with money, the amount of which might vary, but certainly a current or currency flowing. Even a little money moving at a time is movement indeed. So, things might be parceled out carefully, perhaps slowly, but steadily, and that has to be good enough.

As with its Tarot cousin, the 7 of Clubs might inspire you to think about how other folks are involved in a venture around money or what money can buy--either by having joint control, joint responsibility, and/or being the ones reaping the benefits of this movement of currents/currency. If there are others involved, you all must be carefully organized. Planning, communication, and negotiation should be clear to each or all of the invested parties. 

You don't want the potential strife or even chaos that Tarot's Seven of Wands can warn against. You're counseled to take your time and get things properly sorted before they spin out of control.

Another caution might concern potential competitors or forces resisting the flow of your movement. The specific look of the 7 of Clubs suggests opposition--on one side, a mass of energy moving upward in a block, those five clubs; on the other, two clubs aligned in perfect balance. Of course, sometimes, we do need the disruptive force of the number 5 to break up something that is way too set, too balanced, and thought to be unchangeable.

Should the issue most on your mind not concern money directly, substitute energy and your uses of it, or think more generally about the nature and efficacy of how you are interacting and exchanging with others around some important matter. How do you stay centered and handle the potential for becoming overwhelmed?

So, clearly, there's a lot here, Denae! I hope this gives you a spectrum of possibilities as you consider the meaning 7 of Clubs has for you at this time. Thanks, again!


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