Monday, August 15, 2022

CARD OF THE WEEK: August 15-19, 2022


Six of Vessels

The Alchemical Tarot

by Robert M. Place

August 15-19, 2022: One of my favorite cards, Six of Cups, turns up as our card of the week, this time represented by Robert M. Place as Six of Vessels. In Place's image, a person bends to pour water from a large, heavy clay vessel into a metallic vessel lined up with four others of distinct, if humble, materials, colors, and designs. One vessel holds a lovely iris, calling springtime to mind.

If Pamela Colman Smith's Six of Cups has come to signify, for me, the reliable presence and generosity of ancestors and spirits, this card's earthiness further implies that Spirit exists even in the most mundane of beings, objects, and activities, throughout all existence. And that element of giving shows up, again, in the simple act of pouring water.

Lately, TikTok has shown me a few videos demonstrating how filling one's own "cup" to the brim and beyond allows for easily sharing the inevitable overflow with others. You don't have to keep dipping into your own supply and risk running out of time, energy, and sustenance for your own support. That's a clever--and, I hope, persuasive--message for you to contemplate this week!


Do you have a particular Tarot or other oracle card that you'd like to me explore and write about in the hummingwitch way?

Just email a good, clear jpg photo of your card to:

I'll incorporate its message, one way or another, into one of these posts. Let me know if you'd prefer your submission to be anonymous.



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