Tuesday, March 29, 2022

CARD OF THE DAY: March 29, 2022


Six of Wands

Oriens Animal Tarot

by Ambi Sun

March 29, 2022: Your most familiar Six of Wands might show a victorious hero riding high amid cheering supporters--externally validated success and reward. Artist Ambi Sun, on the other hand, underscores confidence and radiance that rise from within, just from being who one truly is. The peacock struts its natural, if outlandish, splendor. Of course, everything is a matter of degree, and the guidebook for Sun's wonderful Oriens Animal Tarot cautions against a reversed Six of Wands' overbearing peacockiness!

But where are those six wands?

See the long feathers curving up from each side of the peacock? We tend to think of Tarot's wands as hefty, rigid staffs of wood or metal. In this case, though, Sun makes them silky, delicate, and vulnerable-looking. Still, draped behind the bird like the long train of a ball gown or held aloft like milady's fan, they are beautiful implements of high magick.

So, just for today, think of the softness and crafty subtlety of your powers. Sometimes, magickal power is as natural as breathing in and breathing out.


Catch up with updated CARD OF THE DAY posts here: https://hummingwitch.blogspot.com/2022/03/catch-up-with-any-featured-card-you.html

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