Friday, March 11, 2022

CARD OF THE DAY: March 11, 2022


The Persona

The Wisdom Well

by Ivarna Kalinkova


March 11, 2022: Here's a card from The Wisdom Well, a highly non-traditional oracle deck inspired by the visionary psychoanalytic teachings of Carl Gustav Jung.

With this card, The Persona, Ivarna Kalinkova explores the performative outer self we often show the world. Subject to our willful control, our outer mask obscures the true inner self which, we fear, might not meet with approval or get us what we want or think we need in life.

This Persona has a wonderful image, invoking that moment when a circus clown makes one final check of his/her/their reflection in the dressing room's light-ringed mirror before heading out to the stage.

As our Card of the Day, The Persona suggests we pause to consider if we actually need a disguise or code switch for our protection or advantage--something we may deploy merely out of habit--or if we can afford to greet the situation at hand with courageous authenticity.

Are you facing a legitimate and useful "fake-it-'til-you-make-it" moment? Is it better to shapeshift and blend in for now and do what the Romans do? Or should you bravely show your true face to the world, come what may?


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