Saturday, April 30, 2022

CARD OF THE WEEKEND: April 30-May 1, 2022

Queen of Arrows

Greenwood Tarot

by Mark Ryan with art by Chesca Potter

April 30-May 1, 2022: Sometimes we stumble upon entirely different universes when we visit decks crafted by artists who see traditional Tarot archetypes in unique ways. Greenwood Tarot, created by artist Chesca Potter and writer Mark Ryan, has enough idiosyncrasies to make convention-bound Tarotistas throw their hands up, but it is l-o-v-e-l-y none the less and beloved by many.

Why is Tarot's Queen of Swords--here styled as Queen of Arrows--represented by a white doe resting on grass beneath a hectic sky of swirling yellow/orange spirals? Why do her antlers resemble lava erupting towards that sky and yet also perfectly embracing an airborne valentine? There's a red arrow stuck in the ground by her flank, but the doe seems completely unconcerned with it. 

Where is the austere, brainy, challenging Swords/Air Queen we've come to expect? Though, do notice, below, Pamela Colman Smith's own use of yellow, orange, and red. I believe I've talked about this before. Her strong Queen of Swords is not completely without passion.

Queen of Swords

Rider-Waite Tarot

art by Pamela Colman Smith

Reader, I beckon you into Potter and Ryan's world and suggest you ground yourself in what is. Look around and find out.

That sky blazes with the bright fires of Celtic and Wiccan holiday of Beltane (May 1) as does the doe's flaming antlers. Ryan and Potter associate the suit of Arrows (Swords) with the period from Beltane through Midsummer to Lammas (August 1). The appearance of this card on this Beltane weekend definitely has quite a lot of woo to it.

Our queenly doe has charm galore and might have a very special message for you at this particular moment. Sit with her and listen.


Do you have a particular Tarot or other oracle card that you'd like to me explore and write about in the hummingwitch way?

Just email a good, clear jpg photo of your card to, and I'll incorporate its message, one way or another, into one of these posts. Let me know if you'd prefer your submission to be anonymous.



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