Monday, July 11, 2022

CARD OF THE WEEK: July 11-15 , 2022



Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards

by Doreen Virtue

July 11-15, 2022: Here's a card, named for Greek goddess Artemis, from a deck I don't own--Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. I do own this card, though. It was drawn and given to me, for some reason, in some long-ago ritual or workshop. I don't recall anything more than that.

The deck's creator Doreen Virtue--author of numerous books and oracle decks on angels, archangels, and the like--is now also famous for converting to born-again Christianity and loudly denouncing her own lucrative career and allied New Age practices. Basically, anything that fails to track with strict focus on Jesus Christ, her Lord and savior.

Artemis, the card, has lived quietly in the corner of one of my home office's bookshelves for all this time and--again, for some reason--recently popped right off the shelf and fell at my feet. At the time, I was not moving anything around on that shelf. But cards speak up, often loudly, when they want attention, and this one did.

Needless to say, but I will, many of us fear for our own and our loved ones' safety these days. Danger can come at any time, in any place, and seemingly from out of nowhere. We need to stay alert, but we also need to fortify our spiritual protection.

Virtue turns to her concept of Jesus and only that. You and I are free to find our own sense of spiritual relationship and help. But do take time out this week to contemplate what that might mean in your life and personal practice. Stay safe and enjoy your week!


Do you have a particular Tarot or other oracle card that you'd like to me explore and write about in the hummingwitch way?

Just email a good, clear jpg photo of your card to:

I'll incorporate its message, one way or another, into one of these posts. Let me know if you'd prefer your submission to be anonymous.



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