Saturday, July 30, 2022

CARD OF THE WEEKEND: July 30-31, 2022


Seven of Swords

Rider-Waite Tarot

Art by Pamela Colman Smith

July 30-31, 2022: The gracefulness of Pixie Smith's smiling thief! He charmed his way into your life, and now he's making off with five of your swords--a batch of your thoughts, your ideas, your defenses, your strengths--and confidently turns to look behind himself as he prances away. He's not even concerned about whether the blades will cut his hands, or if he'll run into something he doesn't see coming his way. He got what he came for.

Traditionally, Seven of Swords has been the sign of something or someone in, or approaching, your surroundings that cannot be trusted.

Let this be an advisory to spend some time in serious inner and outer cleansing as well as shoring up your inner and outer defenses. This especially applies to your own thinking and how you can be your own enemy. What have you stolen from yourself? Or how do you render your own self vulnerable to delusion and exploitation?

Notice this, though. You've still got two good swords left. What do they represent, and what do you intend to do with them?


Do you have a particular Tarot or other oracle card that you'd like to me explore and write about in the hummingwitch way?

Just email a good, clear jpg photo of your card to:

I'll incorporate its message, one way or another, into one of these posts. Let me know if you'd prefer your submission to be anonymous.



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