Friday, November 19, 2021

CARD OF THE DAY: November 19, 2021


8 of Disks (8 of Pentacles)

from The Tarot of Transformation

by Willow Arlenea (art) and Jasmin Lee Cori

November 19, 2021: The late-autumnal feeling of 8 of Disks (traditionally, Eight of Pentacles) from The Tarot of Transformation--with its majestic elk and journeyer--feels like a harbinger of the next few months ahead.

The elk appears just at the moment when one is ready to give up and turn back.The elk is more than a beautiful apparition out of the forest. It is a projected image of one facet of the highest aspect of you, come to guide you. This spirit guide brings you renewed strength. It reminds you of your capabilities and bids you call upon and demonstrate your true skills. It activates and inspires in you the courage and trust to press forward.

If you have felt hampered, messed with, tried by forces outside of yourself, know that they cannot touch you. Feel your powerful shoulders square up, and wear your glorious antlers like a crown. Keep it moving!


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