Saturday, November 20, 2021

CARD OF THE WEEKEND: November 20-21, 2021


Page of Swords

from The Diamond Tarot

by Marie-Louise Bergoint with illustrations by Klaus Holitzka after Pamela Colman Smith


November 20-21, 2021: I keep my Diamond Tarot in a white satin evening bag embroidered with pearls. You would think it was a treasure. But I have not used this deck in many years. It was not a favorite but, once upon a time, it served a specific purpose. 

A variation on the Pamela Colman Smith classic Rider-Waite, The Diamond Tarot shrinks and re-colors her 78 traditional images, surrounding each with a psychedelicized frame like the end of a tunnel that rushes you into each archetype's exalted realm.

Because each traditional Rider-Waite image is rendered smaller than usual, I found that this deck, with its distracting frames, could come in handy with clients who might get fixated on and freaked out by the nature or details of certain Rider-Waite images. Truth be told, in reuniting with the Diamond Tarot today, I'm not any closer to fondness for it.

Nevertheless, let's look at this Page of Swords. Not the most intense or messiest of the Diamond's tunnel-frames, and what you get at the end of the tunnel is a breath of fresh air--Swords represent the element of Air--and an electric jolt of mental energy and focus.

It's not peak Swords energy, but it is a bright idea, a well-turned phrase, a clever riposte, a sharp perception. It is also an eagerness to engage in (and do battle over) matters of the mind. I think I'll avoid the traditional interpretation of a Tarot Page indicating a young person (except when that's literally the case). The Page's qualities are available to--and possibly representative of--anyone at any age for any reason. Of course, as with much else, the Page of Swords can have immature, impulsive, and bitter manifestations--but, hey, let's not go there this weekend!

Best to use this energy for teasing apart the knots around anything you've grappled with in recent times. Does your situation require more light and clarity? Refined analysis? More alertness on your part? A useful breakdown of each necessary step to achievement? The right word at the right time? A word to the wise? A quick, deft infusion of humor?

Do check out the Page's body language, too: the balance and grace of a fencer or dancer!


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