Thursday, November 4, 2021

CARDS OF THE DAY: November 4, 2021

NOVEMBER 4, 2010


Page of Swords (reversed)

from Jerico Mandybur's Neo Tarot, 

illustrated by Daiana Ruiz

Page of Swords Reversed and Lenormand's Clouds

One thing that reversed Swords cards can suggest is sheathing one's metaphorical sword for a time. In this case, the young, studious Page of Swords is advising you to turn your attention inward, to "hold that thought!" Keeping one's own counsel and not being so swift (a characteristic of the airy, lightning-fast Swords) to let loose and verbalize one's thoughts might be the smarter (less impulsive, less aggressive) move for this particular moment.

Lenormand's Clouds card adds its own note of caution against impulsive action or speech at a time of fogginess and potential confusion. Wait until those clouds clear--as they will--and then make your informed, precise, properly assertive move.

In the meantime, settle in, rest, hang out with your Inner Self.


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