Wednesday, December 1, 2021

CARD OF THE DAY: December 1, 2021


The High Priestess

from Celestial Tarot

by Kay Steventon and Brian Clark


 The High Priestess

from Alchemical Tarot

by Robert M. Place


December 1, 2021: The esoteric, sacred mystery represented by The High Priestess intrigues some while Her formidable, uncompromising nature intimidates others. I don't know why, but I've always thought of Her as the staunchest, most trustworthy of friends. And, as I contemplate this today, I'm suddenly moved to quote Toni Morrison, from Beloved:

"She is a friend of my mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It’s good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind.”

The High Priestess is such a friend, in this way, because Her aim is to take you to the next level...your next level...but first, to put you in the right order so you can function properly once you're there. In fact, you ain't going anywhere near there until She's convinced you're ready. She will throw up all kinds of roadblocks to keep you away until you have done the work to be ready, and She'll test you herself.

I have always felt at home in Her presence. Not a bit frightened.

The previous examples, from a couple of decks I own--The Celestial Tarot by Kay Steventon and Brian Clark and Robert M. Place's Alchemical Tarot--are certainly not scary HPs. But the High Priestess below (from that deck I'm hoping to have soon)? Well, I'd be relieved to have Her on my side, not against me!


The High Priestess

from Oriens Animal Tarot

by Ambi Sun

 Scroll down this Pinterest page 

for more extraordinary High Priestess images.


For today, consider a challenge you're facing as a test of your capacity for growth, as an indicator of a time of shifting from one sense of yourself to a new, more capacious and capable one. The High Priestess presides over rites of passage. You may see a shift in your identity, your status and/or your responsibility and relationship to your loved ones or community. This time might, or might not, prove difficult, even painful but, if you honestly pass The High Priestess' test, you will come through the better for it.

Remember, this is a Major Arcana card. So, the tests and changes can be of high significance and high intensity.

All the more important to be able to call upon a friend who is a true friend of your mind.


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