Tuesday, December 21, 2021

CARD OF THE DAY: December 21, 2021 (Solstice)

 The Sun

from Neo Tarot

by Jerico Mandybur with art by Daiana Ruiz


December 21, 2021: As the world struggles with the rise of another COVID-19 variant--Omicron--I send my best wishes to you for a healthy and lovely Solstice, and I hope you are doing everything in your power to keep yourself and your loved ones safe now and in the New Year.

Please forgive my absence yesterday, which went without a Card of the Day. I know some of you have been inspired by my daily draws and readings to consult your own decks--or buy your first one--and I hope you went ahead and found a card that spoke good and useful things to you.

Today's card is not a random draw but a deliberate pick--The Sun, for Solstice, naturally--from Jerico Mandybur's Neo Tarot deck.

I felt joy at rising early to find the moon visible from my bedroom window and, at the other end of the apartment, a bright planet--Venus, I assume--visible from my kitchen window. Our New York City skies have not always been clear enough to reveal these dear beings. They make me happy, and I always greet them with gratitude.

Daiana Ruiz's art for the Neo Sun expresses vitality. It's so easy to get frightened and discouraged by what is happening, but this image affirms and celebrates life and bids us stay in the fight against selfishness, despair, and cynicism. It asks us to find and securely align with a source of revitalizing energy and lock into that.

I also love the star at the Third Eye of Ruiz's sun. That's a reminder to activate higher vision, gain a more powerful knowledge of matters. Find your sun and be a sun.Share/Save/Bookmark

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